Judging with Justice

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Judging with Justice

But the LORD reigns forever, executing judgment from his throne. He will judge the world with justice  and rule the nations with fairness.

Psalms 9:7-8

In the ancient world, there was no separation of powers. The king was the executive, legislative, and judicial authority. Thus Scripture will often speak of God not only ruling from his throne, but also judging.

The Lord was not like most of the rulers in the ancient world, however, in that he did not judge capriciously, always looking for his own advantage and caring little for right and wrong. On the contrary, God judges the world with justice and fairness. His rulings always reflect his superlative righteousness. God desires that relationships between people and nations be right, and that even the weak be treated fairly by the strong.

We are called to reflect God’s example of justice in our lives. As parents, we are to treat our children fairly (even and especially when they drive us nuts!). As employers, we’re to seek what’s best for our employees. The systems we establish in the workplace should be just, treating all people with respect and decency. When we exercise justice, we honor the Lord and we extend his kingdom into our world.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Where do you exercise judgment? When are you tempted to be less than just? What helps you to treat all people with fairness and respect?

PRAYER: I praise you, holy God, for being a just judge. As the all-powerful King, you could, of course, get away with something less. No one could question your judgments and live, if that’s how you chose to be. But, in fact, you are fair in all of your judgments. All praise be to you!

Help me, dear Lord, to be like you. Give me wisdom when I am called upon to make judgments. Help me to live out your justice with my children, in my workplace, in my civic involvement, in my church activity, and in every place where I have opportunity or authority. Amen.