The Nature of Spiritual Growth

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Nature of Spiritual Growth

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

Two months ago, my daughters and I made a road trip to the Rocky Mountains. More than anything, we anticipated the day we would spend hiking. But it didn’t turn out quite as we imagined.

The gondola ride up Lionshead didn’t disappoint, gracing us with one spectacular view after another. Reaching the top, we explored a few sites and took too many pictures. We hiked a trail for twenty minutes only to realize it was the wrong one. After our course correction, we didn’t get very far before a park ranger stopped us. Pointing out the lightning racing across the skies, she quickly herded us back to the visitors’ center only seconds before the dark clouds unleashed their torrent.

And so there we were. No more hiking up, down, or across. No gondolas going either direction. We had to wait out the storm.

We waited and waited and waited some more, filling the time with conversation and charades.

Like our day in the mountains, my journey following Jesus hasn’t been straightforward and always-moving-ahead like I expected. I suspect yours hasn’t either. A few years ago, I asked several thousand people to describe their spiritual journeys. The 244,000+ words they wrote reflected the same reality: Spiritual growth rarely happens in a smooth, straight line. There are moments of joy, interspersed with rocks to climb, wrong trails, and even maddening periods of waiting.

Yet Paul’s letter to the Corinthians contains a reassuring promise for us. When we keep our eyes fixed on our Lord, we are being transformed into Christ’s image with ever-increasing glory. Hold on to that promise today—whether you are moving forward, correcting your course, or waiting for a storm to pass.


What picture comes to mind when you contemplate the Lord’s glory? In what ways has the Lord transformed you into his image? How is he transforming you now?


Thank you for freeing us to contemplate your glory with unveiled faces. Too often I don’t take the time to do just that, to worship your holiness. Too easily I get caught up in how my days aren’t going the way I had planned, not trusting that you are transforming me into your image. Lord, forgive me. Help me to see with your eyes and to grow in trust and faithfulness. Amen.