No Work, No Eat

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
No Work, No Eat

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat."

2 Thessalonians 3:10

Wherever two or more people are gathered in God’s name, a church and a body are created. And so are a community, a market, an economy, and politics. It only takes two of us. When you and I share space and lives and values, we become greater than the sum of our parts. And we become interdependent and interconnected. This is God’s design: that we might be marinated together—dependent on every effort that flows from our talent, strength, and personality—to create a unique identity that could not be as rich or distinct if either you or I were missing. This is not just a spiritual design; it is how God made things to work in the whole stew of life.

The “no work, no eat” passage of scripture is sometimes repeated in a heavy-handed way to condemn those who are not considered “productive” in church or society. But, I think it speaks to a deeper, more wholesome view of God’s design for our work. It goes like this: if you and I are vital parts of the body of Christ, it takes the efforts of each of us, expressing the fruit of our skills and experiences, to be the true image of Jesus in every part of our world. This is so important to God’s mission that to withhold our work is to starve his body. In his practical, direct way, Paul was simply making sure that you and I are clear on the value of our work to the mission of God and to the life of his people.

Today, as you consider how your work relates to God’s mission, I pray that you sense how important you are to living out God’s beautiful design!

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What good things does your work bring to the body of Christ? How does your work combine with others’ to create something that uniquely expresses God’s renewal to your part of the world?

PRAYER: Dear God, help me see how the work of my hands is nourishment to your body. Give me the assurance and confidence to know that what I do matters to those around me. Help me to always have your mission in front of me so that my work has purpose worthy of you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Featured image by Tim Miller. Used with Permission. Source via Flickr.