Best of Daily Reflections: Now That’s a Great Question

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Best of Daily Reflections: Now That’s a Great Question

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

Romans 15:4

I love a good question. One very simple question reveals much about someone’s spiritual life: How does God communicate with you?

The reverse—How do you communicate with God?—produces a nearly universal answer: prayer.

Ah, but when you ask how God communicates with you, the picture changes. Some say prayer. Some say other people. Many look to their circumstances, seeing the things that are going well in their life as a clear message from God. Others aren’t sure how God communicates … or even if he does at all.

One answer that doesn’t come up nearly as much as you might expect is the Bible. In fact, in one survey of teens attending a youth conference, only 16% mentioned the Bible as a way God communicates with them.

This creates some problems. If we rely only on our feelings, circumstances, or other people as our source of communication from God, what will we do when they fail us? We’ll be left vulnerable to doubting God’s love, grace, and sovereignty.

Additionally, when the Bible isn’t at the top of our minds as a way God speaks to us, it’s probably not at the top of our priority list, either. Time dedicated to soaking in and meditating on the Word gets squeezed out of the day by other demands in our busy lives. If this goes on for long enough, we lose sight of who God is and who God created us to be. In short, we stop growing spiritually.

It’s a truth your grandmother may have shared with you when you were a kid. It’s also one that research confirms.

If you are feeling far from God today, maybe it’s time to consider how you have been expecting God to communicate. Take a break from the busyness, shut out all of the other messages bombarding you, and spend some time just soaking in the Word. Start with a favorite Psalm or revisit one of the Gospels. You may be surprised how often Jesus himself asks questions!


How would you answer the question “How does God communicate with you?” What does the Bible say about how God communicates with us? How do you think your life would be different if you heard from God through his Word each day?


Father, thank you for giving us your living and active Word. I have so many messages coming at me each day it’s hard sometimes to know what is true and what is of you. Help me to always remember that I can turn to you at any time and, whenever I doubt, I can turn to your Word to guide me. Amen.