A One-Track Mind

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A One-Track Mind

As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.

Luke 9:51

My job requires me to spend a lot of time on a computer. I know I am not alone in this. So many of us spend hours upon hours with our eyes focused on the backlight of our computer screens. We have learned about the importance of ergonomics to keep our bodies from growing out of whack. We have heard we should keep blinking so our eyes don’t get too dry. We have been encouraged to consider mounting our laptops to our treadmills to keep from adding extra weight to our frames as a result of sitting in our office chairs all day long.

With the growth of the Internet, we also often struggle to remain focused on the task at hand. We get bored with our assignment, or we tend to linger on our momentary accomplishments. Our minds wander from the work for which we are responsible, and we click away to check Facebook or Twitter or Buzzfeed. Before we know it, an hour has passed into history—never to be claimed again. We may have experienced a few moments of entertainment from the kitten videos and ice bucket challenges we watched, but our deadline still looms, and our team is still counting on us.

Some companies build firewalls around their Internet access in an attempt to keep employees from the distractions of social media and from other online sites that might minimize production. But, isn’t it a losing battle? After all, most employees still have access to the Internet on their smartphones, right? So what’s a person to do when tempted by distraction at work?

Whether it’s the Internet or something else that keeps you from being your most productive in your vocation, Jesus, our best example ever, provides a model for us to remember. In Luke 9, we are reminded of Christ’s one-track mind while on this earth. He came to seek and to save the lost and, in order for that to happen, Jesus had to make his way to Jerusalem, where a brutal death awaited him. Along the way, our Savior enjoyed fellowship with friends and disciples, he healed and fed, he raised people from death unto life, and he joined in the best parties—even turning water into wine.

Through it all, however, Jesus remembered his ultimate calling and, when the time came, he was resolute. He didn’t click away or wander from the path, because he knew the cross was essential to God’s ultimate gift of redemption and restoration. Our work while we travel this earth is not the same as the death of a sinless savior on an old rugged cross. We do, however, respond to God’s call to participate with him in the work of redemption and restoration. When the going gets tough, or boring, or when we find ourselves satisfied with our accomplishments and get tempted to click away in the middle of a work day, we can remember Christ’s example and press through, always keeping in mind the ultimate goal: participating with God in our work as a response to his invitation and an act of worship.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What is your biggest distraction at work? How much time do you think you lose each day by giving in to those distractions? What does it mean to you to consider your work a response to God and an act of worship?

PRAYER: Thank you, God, for Jesus, and for his one-track mind. When I get distracted (and I most certainly will) be my strength. Keep me focused on the task at hand, always looking toward the ultimate goal. Give me joy in my work and fulfillment in what I accomplish, and let my work bring you pleasure, Lord. In Christ’s name, Amen.


Deidra Riggs is the Managing Editor for The High Calling. She believes in the power of your story. She earned her Bachelor's in Communication Arts and Science from Michigan State University. She has two adult children and lives in Nebraska with her husband.

Vocation Focus

The constant noise of the digital age requires us to work that much harder to remain focused on our individual passions and the good work to which God has called us. God wants us to feel passionate about our work because what we do reflects the person we are called to serve—Jesus. Our series, Vocation Focus, will inspire you with stories, Bible reflections, and practical tips.