The Peacemaker

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Peacemaker

"Finally Abram said to Lot, 'Let’s not allow this conflict to come between us or our herdsmen. After all, we are close relatives!"

Genesis 13:8

As God blessed Abram and his nephew Lot, they both became wealthy, with large flocks of livestock. Unfortunately, the land they shared couldn't supply enough food for the flocks, so Abram's herdsmen began to quarrel with Lot's herdsmen. How sad it is that family squabbles are often made worse by family riches!

Abram, who had the authority to solve the problem to his own advantage, nevertheless chose an unexpected road. He gave his nephew the choice of the land. Lot, concerned only for his own interests, took the best land with Abram's blessing. Abram sought to make peace, even at significant personal cost.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Where do you have the chance to be a peacemaker today? Is God calling you to give up something costly for the sake of your family? Your friends? Your church? His kingdom?

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, how easy it is for us to squabble with one another, even with our closest relatives. We can fracture families for the sake of financial gain. Forgive us, Lord, for our selfishness. Bring healing to our families and to our key relationships.

Help us, gracious God, to be like Abram, who was willing to give up his advantage for the sake of peace with Lot. Thank you for his example of humility and sacrifice. Even this day, Lord, help me to see where I can imitate Abram's example of peacemaking, for the sake of your kingdom. Amen.