Praying with Passion

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Praying with Passion

Because I love Zion, I will not keep still.  Because my heart yearns for Jerusalem, I cannot remain silent.  I will not stop praying for her until her righteousness shines like the dawn,  and her salvation blazes like a burning torch.

Isaiah 62:1

The prophet yearns for the salvation of Jerusalem. Thus he cannot stop praying for her “until her righteousness shines like the dawn.” A few verses later, he urges his fellow Israelites to “give the Lord no rest until he completes his work, until he makes Jerusalem the pride of the earth” (v. 7). Now that’s a summons to serious prayer!

The example of Isaiah makes me wonder if I am so passionate about something that I can’t stop praying. How does my yearning lead me to bold prayer? About what will I “give the Lord no rest until he completes his work”?

There are many things about which I care profoundly. There are personal concerns like the well-being of my family, the growth of my children in Christ, and so on. I am deeply committed to the health and growth of Laity Lodge, so that we might fulfill our mission of multi-layered renewal. Related to this commitment, I am passionate about seeing God’s people throughout the world live each day as ministers of Christ, in every part of their lives.

So, I ask myself: How much do I pray about these concerns? Will I give the Lord no rest until that for which I care so deeply comes to pass?

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How about you? Are you praying passionately and persistently for something? If so, what is it? If not, why not? Are there concerns that you should be bringing to the Lord on a more consistent basis?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I am inspired today by the example of Isaiah’s prayer. He didn’t just pray every now and then. Rather, he kept pursuing you until you saved Jerusalem.

I must confess, Lord, that I am not nearly so constant in prayer. I can be easily discouraged or distracted. This is especially true when it seems like you’re not answering my prayers positively. Forgive me for my insipid and inconsistent prayers.

O Lord, help me to be more faithful in my prayers of intercession and supplication. May I be one of those who gives you no rest until you complete your work in this world. By your Spirit, Lord, may I pray with passion. Amen.