A Reminder of Justice

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Reminder of Justice

“What sorrow awaits the unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. They deprive the poor of justice and deny the rights of the needy among my people. They prey on widows and take advantage of orphans.”

Isaiah 10:1-2

Throughout the Scriptures, God cares profoundly about justice. As it says in Psalm 99:4, he is the “Mighty King, lover of justice.” In particular, God seeks justice for those who aren’t in positions of power or wealth. In Isaiah 10, he condemns unjust judges and lawmakers because “they deprive the poor of justice and deny the rights of the needy.” In fact, “they prey on widows and take advantage of orphans,” two categories of people who were most vulnerable in ancient Israel.

Though Christians differ on exactly how we’re to seek justice in today’s world, it’s clear that we must share God’s passion for justice, especially for those in our world who are disadvantaged. In our personal lives, in our charitable giving, in our professional endeavors, and in our political activities, we must strive for justice. Simply caring about ourselves and our families is not enough.

Recently I found myself in a conversation with a boss who needed to cut costs in his business. As he struggled with his financial challenges, he also sought to make sure his employees had enough hours to support themselves. He was looking out, not only for the good of the company, but also for the good of his workers. This is one tangible expression of a godly commitment to justice.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Where in your life do you have opportunities to express a commitment to justice? How might you live out this commitment even today?

PRAYER: Mighty King, lover of justice, this passage from Isaiah reminds me of just how much you care about justice, especially for those who can’t secure it for themselves. Help me, dear Lord, to share your passion for justice and to seek justice in my life. Guide me in my personal relationships, in my professional responsibilities, and in the exercise of my citizenship, so that I might seek your justice.

I’m also reminded today to pray for those who serve in government. I pray for lawmakers, judges, and executives in my city, county, state, and country. Guide them in the ways of your justice. And in this election season, may those on both sides show a commitment to justice, especially for the poor and needy, for widows and orphans, and for others in our world who can’t help themselves. Amen.