Sarah Laughed

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Sarah Laughed

So she laughed silently to herself and said, "How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master—my husband—is also so old?"

Genesis 18:12

In Genesis 17, when God revealed his plan to Abraham and promised to give him a son through Sarah, Abraham laughed in disbelief. Now, in chapter 18, Sarah follows suit, laughing at the prophecy delivered by one of Abraham's visitors.

In Sarah's words we hear, not only disbelief, but also sadness and shame. She is a worn-out woman who had long since given up on the hope of bearing a child. Hers is a tired laughter, a wistful sigh over what might have been but never came. Perhaps she gave up on herself, and on the Lord, long ago.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Can you relate to Sarah? Have you hoped for something, indeed, prayed for something for years, without any sign of God's answer? How do you deal with your disappointment in God?

PRAYER:  O Lord, how hard it is to put hope in you, only to be feel disappointed. Yes, yes, I know that ultimately you will redeem all things, and that our hope will be realized. But sometimes that seems a long way off. In the meanwhile, I pray and pray and pray . . . and it seems as if you haven't heard.

Dear Lord, I know you hear me. I know you are gracious. I don't think my theology needs adjustment here. But my heart needs the help only you can give. When I am discouraged, encourage me by your Spirit. When I am doubting, revive my faith. When I wonder if you're even listening, draw near that I might enjoy your presence. For, indeed, nothing is better than being with you. Amen.