Shame: The First Sting of Sin

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Shame: The First Sting of Sin

"At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they sewed fig leaves together to cover themselves."

Genesis 3:7

As soon as the man and woman sin by doing that which God has prohibited, they feel shame. The Hebrew literally reads: "they knew that they were naked." But this isn't simply a new benign awareness, as the rest of the verse makes clear. Rather, they know themselves as sinners and rush to cover up.

Because of sin, we can no longer be freely and fully the beings God created us to be. We try to hide, from ourselves, from each other, and even from God.

How are you trying to cover up your sin? Where do you struggle with shame?

PRAYER: O Lord, when I read this sad story, I see myself. How often have I tried to cover up who I really am. How afraid I am to be honest about myself, even with you.

Gracious God, help me today to be truthful about my sin so that I might receive your forgiveness and cleansing. Deliver me from self-deception and hiding. May I know the freedom that comes from honest confession. Amen.