Show Me Your Glory!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Show Me Your Glory!

Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.”

Exodus 33:18

In Exodus 33, the Lord delivered the bad news to his people that he would not go with them to the Promised Land because they were “a stubborn and rebellious people” (33:3). Moses was distressed by this revelation and sought to change God’s mind in the matter. When God finally promised to do as Moses had asked and to go with him as he led the Israelites (33:17), Moses asked one more thing: “Then show me your glorious presence” (33:18). Literally, the Hebrew reads, “Then show me your glory [kevodekha].”

Of course, it’s not as if Moses hadn’t seen God’s glory before. After all, he had first encountered the Lord at the burning bush. He had witnessed the wonders associated with God’s deliverance of his people from Egypt, including the parting of the Red Sea. Moses had seen the pillar of cloud and fire that led the Israelites along their journey. He had observed the stunning natural signs of God’s presence on Mt. Sinai. And then, of course, Moses had the unique privilege of speaking to God face-to-face, as if speaking with a friend (33:11).

Yet Moses sought even more of God. He wanted to see God’s glory. In context, this was for Moses a source of reassurance. As he prepared to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, he wanted to be sure that God was with him. But Moses also illustrates the truth that we cannot have enough of God. The greatest saints throughout history, those who have known God more intimately than I can ever imagine, consistently speak of a deeper longing for God. Paradoxically, the presence of God profoundly satisfies and, at the same time, stirs within us an even more powerful longing for God.

As I reflect on this passage today, I am getting in touch once again with my own desire to know God more deeply and truly. Though I have seen so many wonders and experienced God’s presence in such amazing ways, I want even more to see his glory.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How about you? Do you long to see God’s glory? How important is it to you to know God more intimately and truly than you know him today? Are you willing to pray as Moses prayed?

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, because of your amazing grace in my life, I have been privileged to know you, even to glimpse a bit of your glory. I have learned who you are through the Scriptures in which you speak. I have experienced your guidance and blessing. I have been renewed through your Spirit. Most of all, I have seen your glory revealed in Jesus, your Son. How blessed I have been! Thank you!

Yet, today I am emboldened by the example of Moses to ask: Show me your glory! Yes, Lord, even more. I want to see your wonders, so that I might praise you even more. I want to perceive your holiness, so that I might fall before you in humble worship. I want to be astounded once more by your beauty, justice, and grace.

Open my eyes, Lord, to see your glory all around me. Open the heavens, so that I might join in the worship of the angels, offering you all that I am, all of the time. O Lord, may I live each and every day for the praise of your glory! Amen.