Signposts of Nature

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Signposts of Nature

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.

Psalm 19:1

I grew up in Southern California. The combination of smog and ambient light from Los Angeles and its suburbs meant that I could see very few stars at night, even on a relatively clear summer evening. Thus I loved getting away up to the High Sierra mountains. From several thousand feet above sea level, the night sky was dark as pitch with thousands of stars twinkling like brilliant diamonds.

One of the things I love most about Laity Lodge is seeing the night sky glowing with the high-definition grandeur that I once associated with the High Sierras. The heavens are so expansive in the Hill Country, miles from bright city lights, that I can almost let my admiration stop with the skies themselves. But I must remember that, as beautiful as the stars might be, they are signposts to something even better. The heavens proclaim the glory of God. They illustrate his matchless beauty and power. They call my heart to humility and my soul to worship.

Nature is indeed a gift of God to us and we are invited to enjoy it. But let’s be sure not to turn nature itself into some sort of god. May we delight in the natural world, including the skies at Laity Lodge, as gifts from the hand of God. May the glory of creation always point further to the matchless glory of the Creator.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: When have you seen the skies filled with stars? How did that make you feel? What aspects of nature point your heart to God?

PRAYER: Almighty Creator and gracious God, indeed, the heavens do proclaim your glory. How I thank you for making me so that I could see the stars in the summer sky. Even more, how I thank you for allowing me to marvel at their beauty. Even more, how grateful I am for the way the heavens proclaim your glory. You have filled the natural world with countless reminders of your greatness. Thank you, Lord!

Help me never to take for granted the beauty and grandeur of your creation. May the signposts of nature continually remind me of you, calling me to wonder and worship. Amen.