So Little Faith

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
So Little Faith

Jesus responded, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly all was calm.

Matthew 8:26

After Jesus stills the storm, his disciples asked themselves, "Who is this man? Even the winds and waves obey him!" (v. 27). This wasn't just a rhetorical question. They were genuinely perplexed about the identity of Jesus. They had followed him because they believed him to be a holy man, perhaps even Israel's Messiah. But they had not expected Jesus to exercise power over weather, the power wielded by God alone.

We can answer the disciples' question. This man is not just the Messiah, the one who brings God's kingdom, but also the very Son of God, the Word of God made flesh. He through whom God created the world has power even over the winds and the waves.

Yet, even though we know who Jesus was as fully human and fully divine, we can still fall prey to fear, just like the disciples. Our confession of faith might be correct, but our hearts can lag behind when the storms of life threaten us. I wonder how many times Jesus has wanted to say to us: "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!"

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have you had experiences like those of the disciples, when fear gripped your heart and you found it hard to trust the Lord? Have there been other times when you were solid in faith in the midst of difficulties? What made the difference for you between fearful doubt and confident faith?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, I'm quite sure there have been dozens, maybe hundreds, of times when you have wanted to say to me, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Yes, that's true, Lord. Though I believe your Word, and though I've experienced your grace thousands of times in my life, I can let the storms of life send me into a tizzy of fear. I can wonder if you hear my prayers, if you'll be there for me, if you still care about me.

Forgive me, gracious Lord, for my unbelief. Forgive me for so easily forgetting your grace and mercy.

By your Spirit, I ask for the gift of even more faith. Help me to believe you, Lord, more today than yesterday, and more tomorrow than today. When the storms batter, may I remain firm in you, grounded upon the rock of your faithfulness. Amen.