The Struggle of Work

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Struggle of Work

"And to the man he said, 'Since you listened to your wife and ate from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat, the ground is cursed because of you. All your life you will struggle to scratch a living from it.'"

Genesis 3:17

God made us so that we might work in his creation, tending it and being fruitful within it. In various ways, we continue to live out that purpose through our work. Yet because of sin, work no longer comes easily. In our own way, we "struggle to scratch a living" in our jobs. We may not face literal thorns and thistles, but we deal with plenty of thorny people and barbed comments. Our work can feel overwhelmingly difficult or painfully empty. In these times, we have the opportunity to remember how much we need God's grace, even at work.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Where are you struggling to scratch a living from the earth, so to speak? Where is your work frustrating and discouraging you? Have you talked with God about it?

PRAYER:  Dear Lord, in our own ways, we know what it is to struggle in our work. Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by discouragement and exhaustion. We need your help, Lord. We need you to give us wisdom, strength, and patience. Help us to find meaning in our daily work. And in the midst of our struggle, may we turn to you again and again. May even our challenges and disappointments in our work help us to realize just how much we need you each day. Amen. for your understanding and continual encouragement.