A Triple Surprise

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Triple Surprise

When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to those who were following him, he said, "I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel!"

Matthew 8:10

There are three surprises in this story. First, there's the surprise of the centurion's faith. Jesus himself was amazed by the faith of this officer in the Roman army. Surely Jesus had hoped to find such faith among the children of Israel. The fact that a Gentile had such exemplary faith in Jesus was not expected by anyone, even Jesus.

The second surprise comes from Jesus' response to the centurion. After all, he was no ordinary gentile, but an officer in the occupying army. Those who were with Jesus at this time would have expected him to reject the centurion's request, perhaps throwing in a word or two of rebuke as well. But, startlingly, gracious Jesus answers the centurion's plea.

The third surprise comes from the way in which Jesus healed the officer's servant. Those with Jesus had seen him heal in person, but not over such a long distance. This sort of healing suggests a power far beyond what many would have assigned to Jesus as a Jewish holy man.

This story encourages me to be persistent in prayer, to ask and keep on asking Jesus for his help, both for myself and for others. When I lag in prayer, as I often do, I ask for the gift of greater faith, faith like that of the centurion. I doubt Jesus will ever be amazed by my faith. But at least he will be honored by my desire to put my full trust in him.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: As you read this story from Matthew, which of the surprises resonate with you? What helps you to have faith like the centurion? What challenges your faith?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, as I read this story, I find myself wishing I could amaze you with my faith. It's not that I want some reward. But I'd love to be utterly confident in you, to be free from doubt and distraction. Moreover, I wish I could honor you with the strength of my faith. You deserve this, Lord, and so much more.

But, given the reality of my relationship with you, I don't think there will be much amazement. In fact, once again I come before you to ask for greater faith. May I trust you more, Lord. May I trust you more each day than the day before. Help me to rely upon you fully, to pray with a centurion-type faith. By your grace, may I have greater faith in you today. Amen.