Trustworthy Leadership

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Trustworthy Leadership

When the people of Israel saw the mighty power that the LORD had unleashed against the Egyptians, they were filled with awe before him. They put their faith in the LORD and in his servant Moses.

Exodus 14:31

Exodus 14 describes the miraculous deliverance of the Israelites as the Lord guided them through the Red Sea and then swamped the armies of Egypt. The children of Israel marveled at the power of God and “were filled with awe” before him (literally, “they were afraid”). As a result, “they put their faith in the LORD and in his servant Moses.”

To this point in the story, the people had followed the Lord and Moses, but with lots of hesitation. Though they had trusted Moses enough to follow him as he left Egypt, they nevertheless felt afraid that they would be destroyed by the awesome might of the Egyptian armies (14:11-12). But after witnessing the miracle of the Red Sea, the Israelites finally trusted in God, and not just in God, but also in Moses—at least for now!

Why did the people put their faith in Moses and his leadership? Because he had demonstrated his trustworthiness. What he had promised actually happened. He had endured multiple challenges with commitment. He led his people with a steady hand, waiting for God’s ultimate action to save Israel.

We live in a day when people are not inclined to trust leaders. Too often our leaders in government, business, church, and family have let us down. So, just because you’re in charge, this does not mean people will freely put their faith in you. Such trust must be earned, slowly, patiently, over time. It comes only when you prove that you are worthy of trust by your own faithfulness, wisdom, and commitment.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What helps you to trust your leaders? How can you be a leader whom people trust?

PRAYER: Lord, in today’s biblical text, the Israelites finally put their faith in you and also in Moses. I’m struck by the inclusion of Moses here. I can imagine how frustrating it must have been to him to lead people who did not trust him. Yet he persevered, serving you faithfully. In time, the people recognized that he was reliable, that you were truly working through him. So they put their trust in Moses.

Help me, Lord, to be a leader worthy of people’s trust. May the people for whom I am a leader put their trust in me because I have earned it. Let this be true for my family, my colleagues, and all who are exposed to my ministry.

When I do not receive the trust I think I deserve, help me to be patient, Lord. May my faithfulness and commitment as a leader bear the fruit of well-earned trust. To you be all the glory. Amen.