Unyoked Leaders

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Unyoked Leaders

So I will go and speak to their leaders. Surely they know the ways of the LORD and understand God’s laws. "But the leaders, too, as one man, had thrown off God’s yoke and broken his chains."

Jeremiah 5:5

As the Lord looked upon Jerusalem, he could find no one of integrity (5:1). Jeremiah, in defense of his fellow Israelites, suggested that they didn’t know God’s law because of their poverty. Perhaps they didn’t have time to study the law, and certainly they didn’t have the financial means to own scrolls or the ability to read them. So Jeremiah determined to speak with the leaders of Jerusalem. Perhaps they would demonstrate knowledge of God’s ways and the desire to follow them.

But Jeremiah found that even the leaders of Jerusalem, those with the means to know the law, did not understand it. In fact, they “had thrown off God’s yoke and broken his chains” (5:5). They did not care about God and his ways, but rejected his guidance and authority, as represented by his “yoke.”

One of the most important facts of godly leadership is that all leaders serve under authority. We wear the yoke of God, his guidance and sovereignty. We who lead, whether in business or in our families, in our cities or our churches, must recognize that we are servants, first of God, and then of others in his name.

Too often, leaders in our world, as in Jeremiah’s, cast off the yoke of God’s authority and guidance. Perhaps for a while their rebellion against God seems to be without consequence. Perhaps they even appear to be succeeding as unyoked leaders. But, in time, they will reap the sour fruits of their sowing, and the organizations they lead will suffer.

Today, as you exercise leadership, remember that you serve best when you are wearing the yoke of God, allowing him to guide and direct you for his purposes.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How does your leadership reflect the authority and guidance of God? How might you wear the yoke of God more consistently in your life?

PRAYER: From ample experience, Lord, as well as from your Word, I know that I lead best when I am submitted to you. My leadership is healthy and strong when I am first and foremost your servant.

Help me, dear Lord, to be fully submitted to you in all things. Help me to wear your yoke when I’m at work and when I’m at home. Guide me, teach me, empower me, admonish me, correct me. Use me for your purposes and glory.

Today I pray for all leaders, for business executives and pastors, for mothers and fathers, for presidents and governors, for coaches and counselors, and for all others, that they would understand your ways and wear your yoke. Teach us how to be servant leaders, dear Lord. Amen.