A Warning for Leaders

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Warning for Leaders

It was because of her prophets’ sins,      her priests’ iniquities,      those who shed righteous blood      in the middle of the city.

Lamentations 4:13

Earlier in Lamentations, we saw that the Lord caused Judah’s grief “because of her many wrong acts” (1:5). More specifically, her prophets gave “worthless and empty visions,” which did not reveal Judah’s sin and lead the nation to repentance (2:14).

Lamentations 4:13 reiterates and enlarges God’s charges against the leaders of Judah: The destruction of Jerusalem happened “because of her prophets’ sins, her priests’ iniquities, those who shed righteous blood in the middle of the city.” Though we cannot be sure of what this describes, it may refer to the slaughter of the prophets who sought in vain to deliver God’s true message.

Regardless of the details, this passage reminds us of what happens when leaders fail to exercise their authority appropriately. Not that we need too much reminding of this, however. In our day, we have seen the extraordinary suffering caused by leaders in business, church, and government who seek their own advantage rather than the good of those they lead. We have felt the lash that falls when leaders bend the rules and break the laws.

When I read Lamentations 4:13, I think of contexts in which God has given me the authority to lead: in my work, in my family, in church, and through my writing (including the Daily Reflections). I ask God to help me lead in a way that honors him and serves well the people I am leading. I pray that I will seek, not my advantage, but rather the glory of God and the good of the kingdom.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Have you ever experienced the suffering that comes when leaders fail to lead appropriately? In places where you lead, what are you seeking, really? What would help you even more to seek God’s glory and the good of those you lead?

PRAYER: Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords, I thank you for entrusting me with leadership. I am honored that you would allow me to be a leader in my work, home, church, and beyond.

Help me, I pray, to be a faithful leader, to seek you and your glory above all, to be a servant to those I’m called to lead. Keep me from sin, Lord, especially sin that would result in suffering for those who follow me. Instead, may my leadership reflect your own wisdom and grace, and may it lead to blessings for many. Amen.