A Warning for Leaders: Don’t Let God’s Truth Disappear

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Warning for Leaders: Don’t Let God’s Truth Disappear

One disaster comes after another, and rumor follows rumor. They seek a vision from the prophet.  Instruction disappears from the priest, and counsel from the elders. (CEB)

Ezekiel 7:26

In Ezekiel 7, the Lord reveals to his people the painful judgment that is about to come upon them. He holds the people accountable for their persistent failure to obey him and to engage, instead, in "detestable practices" (7:8). Indeed, "the vision concerns the whole crowd" (7:13).

But, one of the reasons the people have wandered away from the Lord into a lifestyle of rebellion against God has to do with the failure of their leaders. In verse 26, the people "seek a vision from the prophet," but no vision is seen. Moreover, "instruction disappears from the priest, and counsel from the elders" (7:26). The Hebrew word translated here as "disappears" might also be rendered "dies" or "perishes." In other words, when the people went to their leaders for a living word to guide them, all they got was dead gibberish. No doubt, the people were impressed with polished speeches and what appeared to be divine truth. But the leaders spoke out of their own ignorance, and the people were guided, not into life, but into death.

We can see this very thing happening in our own day, as our leaders wander away from God's truth. This can happen even in churches that uphold biblical authority. Some years ago, I attended a church that affirms the inerrancy of Scripture. The preacher got up, read the biblical text, and then began to preach. His sermon was witty, compelling, and full of good advice. But it had absolutely nothing to do with the text he had read, other than an occasional word in common. Instruction had disappeared from that leader, at least on that particular Sunday.

Ezekiel 7:26 challenges me to be continually taught by God's Word in Scripture, so that my leadership might be shaped by divine truth. When I'm writing these reflections, it isn't hard to do this. But what about when I'm sitting in a planning meeting, or dealing with an upset colleague, or helping my colleagues see God's vision for the future? And what about when I'm trying to work through a tough issue with my wife or help my children thrive each day? In those contexts, am I still letting the truth of God fill my mind and shape my speech?

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What about you? In places and relationships where you are a leader, is your leadership grounded upon and shaped by God's Word? What helps this to be true for you?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, help me to be a source of your instruction, not just when I'm teaching the Bible, but throughout my daily life. Not that I should be preachy, of course. But help my speech to be seasoned with the salt of your Word. May my counsel reflect your values and vision. May your truth never disappear from me.

I pray today for all who receive this reflection, that their words and deeds will be shaped by your truth today. Amen.