Why You Can Be Faithful to God

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Why You Can Be Faithful to God

“Well done!" the king exclaimed. "You are a good servant. You have been faithful with the little I entrusted to you, so you will be governor of ten cities as your reward.” 

Luke 19:17

In yesterday’s reflection, I suggested, on the basis of Jesus’ parable in Luke 19:11-27, that our purpose in life is to be faithful to God. We can live with freedom from the need to produce for God if we focus, not on the results of our actions, but on honoring God in all we do.

Yet, before I leave the subject of our faithfulness to God, something else must be said. If I were not to say it, I would run the risk of implying that your Christian life is primarily a matter of what you do for God. Indeed, your actions do matter. But your ability to act faithfully depends on something that simply must be mentioned.

I’m talking about faithfulness, not your faithfulness to God, but his faithfulness to you. We build our lives on the trustworthiness of God as our Savior and Lord. We count each day on his grace, mercy, and wisdom. If God were not faithful to us, we’d have no hope, and we’d certainly not be able to live faithfully for him.

God’s faithfulness is revealed throughout Scripture, but most of all in Jesus Christ. In Christ, we see that God is trustworthy, that he can be counted on. The same God who, in Christ, went to the cross for you will never abandon you. In fact, he will fulfill his good purposes for your life. As it says in 1 Corinthians 1:9: “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord” (ESV).

Should we seek to be faithful to God? Yes, indeed. Should we use well all that he has entrusted to us? Indeed! But we do this while depending on the ultimate, foundational, unshakable faithfulness of God.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: How have you experienced God’s faithfulness in your life? Has God been faithful to you in times when you have been unfaithful to him? How might the fact of God’s faithfulness make a difference in your life today?

PRAYER: O Lord, where would I be without your faithfulness? Lost, confused, empty, hopeless. Yet because you are ever faithful, my life is rich with meaning and full of hope.

Thank you for making your faithfulness known to me in so many ways. Most of all, I thank you for the revelation of your faithfulness in Christ.

May I be faithful to you today, Lord, because you are faithful to me. Amen.