Why Your Words Matter So Much to the Holy Spirit

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Why Your Words Matter So Much to the Holy Spirit

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.

Ephesians 4:30

In Tuesday's reflection, we saw that our words can grieve the Holy Spirit. Yesterday, we discovered one reason for this surprising truth. Since we have been sealed by the Spirit for the day of redemption, when our words and deeds contradict who we will be on that wonderful day, the Spirit grieves.

Today, I want to suggest another reason why our words matter so much to the Holy Spirit. In previous sections of Ephesians, we learned that through Christ all Christians have access to the Father "by one Spirit" (2:18). As God's people, we are becoming a dwelling for God's own Spirit (2:22). Thus, we are to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit . . . (4:3-4). Elsewhere in Paul's writings, the Holy Spirit gathers believers together into the body of Christ, empowering each one to contribute to the unity and growth of the body (see 1 Cor. 12). Thus, to put it simply, the Holy Spirit is in the body of Christ business. The Holy Spirit is at work forming, building, shaping, and unifying the church.

Thus, if we say and do things that injure the body of Christ, the Spirit is grieved, not only because what we're doing is sinful, but also because it opposes a central work of the Spirit. If we use language that hurts a brother or sister in Christ, we're failing to seek the unity of the Spirit and are contributing to disunity, and the Spirit grieves.

I can understand the response of the Spirit when I remember my own experience as a pastor. For sixteen years, I sought to help Irvine Presbyterian Church grow in unity, strength, and size as a part of Christ's body. When members of my congregation joined me in this effort, I felt grateful and encouraged. But when people did things to injure our unity and hamper our growth, I felt grieved. Most of the time, the actions that injured and hampered were verbal. When people used their words to gossip, to criticize, to put down, and to hurt others, I felt a deep sadness, both because of the harm done to people I loved and because of the damage done to the church. Thus, it's not difficult for me to conclude that, even as I felt sad, the Spirit of God was grieved, and in a way that I can only begin to imagine.

I've been focusing on the power of words to grieve the Spirit because that's the chief point of our passage. On Monday, I'll consider the potential for our words to give delight to the Lord.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: Have you experienced the power of words to hurt the body of Christ? Have you ever been a recipient of such words? Have you ever been the one who spoke them? How might this passage from Ephesians affect the ways you speak when you're gathered with your church? How might this passage inform the way you speak at work? at home? in your community? 

PRAYER: Gracious God, again I thank you for entrusting the power of words to me. What an honor! Help me to use this power for good, for blessing others, and for building up your body. When I am tempted to use words to hurt others, may your Spirit convict me before I speak. Even this day, Lord, may I have the chance to build up others and to strengthen your church through my words. Amen.


Sports for the Glory of God 

If God has created humanity with bodies that are “fearfully and wonderfully made,” we need to develop a Christian way of living that incorporates play and recreation, leisure and competition, sports and athletics. Faith in the Creator and Redeemer should lead us to identify the way sports and athletics are meant to be, discern when something is wrong with sports in our broken and sinful culture, and imagine ways to be instruments of redemption in this sphere. In this series, Sports for the Glory of God, we engage with stories of people who are working through these issues on a daily basis.

Image courtesy of Laity Lodge, one of our sister programs in The H. E. Butt Family Foundation.