A Word for Baruch

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Word for Baruch

“Are you seeking great things for yourself? Don’t do it! I will bring great disaster upon all these people; but I will give you your life as a reward wherever you go. I, the LORD, have spoken!”

Jeremiah 45:5

Jeremiah 45 contains a word of the Lord for Baruch, an assistant to Jeremiah. In chapter 36, for example, Baruch wrote down Jeremiah’s prophecies on a scroll and then read what he had written to the people of Judah (36:4-8). Chapter 45 fits chronologically after chapter 36, prior to the fall of Jerusalem.

We know from Jeremiah 45 that Baruch was unhappy with his lot. It seems that the discouraging prophecies of Jeremiah had dragged down his spirit. Moreover, Baruch had been “seeking great things for himself” (45:5). We don’t know exactly what those great things were. Perhaps he had hoped to become a full-fledged prophet like Jeremiah, rather than an assistant and messenger. At any rate, the Lord rebukes Baruch for his seeking after great things for himself. At the same time, the Lord reassures Baruch that his life will be spared even through Judah’s war with Babylon.

The example of Baruch challenges me to examine my motivations for all I do in service to the Lord. (This should include, by the way, all I do!)  Am I seeking God’s glory, or my own? Do I want to raise my children to be disciples of Jesus first and foremost, or do I want their successes to reflect well on me? Do I desire to communicate God’s truth through my writing and speaking, or am I most interested in being liked?

Surely it’s not necessarily wrong to have a good reputation, to be thought of as a decent parent, or to be liked by people. But I find it easy to step into the trap that apparently snared Baruch, seeking great things for myself rather than seeking the greatness of God. I am reminded today to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (Matt. 6:33).

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you think it’s always wrong for people to seek great things for themselves? Why or why not? What helps you to seek great things for God?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, how tempted I am to be like Baruch, striving for great things for myself rather than seeking you first and foremost. Forgive me when I choose to do that which will be best for me, without considering what will be best for you.

Help me, dear Lord, to seek first your kingdom and righteousness in all things, in my family, in my office, in my relationships, in my church. May I live for the praise of your glory, each and every day!

In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.