The Word Became Flesh

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
The Word Became Flesh

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 1:18

I don’t typically think of this passage when I think about Easter. Instead, when I read John’s words, I imagine the two-inch Fontanini baby Jesus swaddled in white cloth, lying in a straw-stuffed manger in our nativity scene. “God in a bod,” as a speaker once said. But the implications for the Incarnation of Christ must carry us from Christmas through Lent, to Easter and beyond, or carry us not at all.

The Word became flesh. The Greek word is logos, and refers to something said, spoken, or declared. Additional meanings include: doctrine, teaching, and story. The same God who spoke the world into existence in Genesis, spoke himself into the world in Christ. Sometimes, however, a voice is not enough.

Bailey, our old gray cat, illustrates this point well. When he’s hungry, he meows. Incessantly. If that doesn’t get our attention, he paws at furniture. Lately, when we pour his food and water, he doesn’t touch his food. He just keeps on meowing.

I can tell him in my most exasperated voice, “You have food and water,” but for some strange reason, this does no good. Quite by accident one day, I realized that if I stood beside his food dish, Bailey would eat. I tried it again the next day with similar results. Since then, every time I stand by his food, the cat devours whatever is in his dish.

Perhaps God knew we would need more than a voice to receive the food that would sustain us. With the Incarnation, we have the reassuring presence that says, “It’s OK. I’m here. Take and eat.”

Just in case we missed this point, John says it in a different way in the last part of the sentence. God made his dwelling among us. People in Jesus’ day would have been very familiar with skenoo, the word for dwelling. It’s the same word used to describe tabernacle, the place of God’s protection and communion.

Protection and communion help us journey through the challenges of our Lenten sacrifice. Protection and communion give us courage to take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. God’s protection and communion prepare us to see his glory. Then we are able to offer his grace and truth to those around us.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When have you needed reassurance from God in the past? Are you currently facing any situations where God’s presence could make a difference? If so, how might the outcome change with the knowledge that God is dwelling among you?

PRAYER: Father, we can’t always verbalize why we’re unable to partake of communion with you. We’ve read your word and heard your voice, yet sometimes we just can’t take that first bite. Would you remind us that your Word became flesh and dwells among us? Give us this day a glimpse of your glory. Give us courage to extend your grace and truth to others. Amen.