Why Does Work Have Dignity? July 25 Newsletter
Whether you feel pride, embarrassment, or ambivalence when you divulge your job title, God takes your work seriously. There is inherent dignity in any kind of honest work. This week we are reminded of work’s basic value and the ways God is on the job with us.
Books on Work: Every Good Endeavor
God created work as an integral part of the human experience. He sees the work we do as inherently valuable.
More Books on Work: Every Good Endeavor ›Best of Daily Reflections: Jesus Understands the World of Your Work
Many of us tend to forget that Jesus spent a great deal of time in a carpenter shop.
More Best of Daily Reflections: Jesus Understands the World of Your Work ›Lord, Bless My Work (Prayer)
Human labor has dignity, so Lord bless my work.
More Lord, Bless My Work (Prayer) ›