
Video / Produced by The High Calling

As we spend this week thinking about stewardship and being faithful with what God gives us, it's worth remembering the story of a family who didn't have much to give, but who remained faithful in what they had. The success of the Butt family, whose generosity continues to bless thousands of people, began with a pretty bleak situation. A disabled father, a hardworking mother, and a small mercantile store—with one forgotten Bible left by the previous owners. It doesn't sound like a lot to work with, until you add faith into the equation.  

Sometimes making the decision to remain faithful in what we are given, even if it doesn't feel like much, is the first step on a life-changing journey. It may not lead where we expect—but thank God for that!  

But those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

(Isa. 40:31)


In 1905, when my grandmother opened her mercantile store in Kerrville, Texas, she had no visions of a large grocery chain. Her husband was disabled, and her sights were firmly fixed on family survival. The first day on the property, while sweeping out the store, she found a New Testament left by the former tenants.

What did she do? Gran picked up the Bible and said to herself, "This is a good omen." Right on the spot, she knelt and dedicated her business to God.

This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. My grandmother was a working woman who made the grocery business her ministry. She lived to help others. She inspires me today as a beautiful model of the high calling of our daily work.