“How Do We Glorify God in the Workplace?” - J. B. Wood

Video / Produced by The High Calling

J. B. points out something we have been talking about for a long time here at The High Calling: working for God does not just mean professional ministry. Everyone has a vocation, even if it isn't to become a member of the clergy. This vocation reaches out to the whole of our lives, not just when we're in church, or participating in specifically "spiritual" activities. God calls to all of us, for all of us.

This is where J. B. gets it right. The work we do and the relationships we cultivate can glorify God in themselves, and not just as an opportunity for evangelism. When we contribute to the flourishing of our communities, when we act with compassion and integrity, when we do something well—even if no one will ever notice—we are doing God's work. And when you think about it, isn't that a pretty good basis for evangelism anyway?

Want to hear more? You can find this and dozens more videos over at the High Calling YouTube Channel.    

TRANSCRIPT: I do not think that our faith at work necessarily has to be exclusively about evangelizing or kind of shouting the name of Jesus from the mountain tops. I think there is this whole other dynamic going on where the work in and of itself—the interactions and the recognition and acknowledgment of the spirits of the people that we're working with—this is building God's Kingdom day in and day out. It's doing an excellent job, caring for people, operating out of high character . . . finding ways to bring value and to help people, whether it's an individual or whether it's taking a segment of the profits and giving them back to those in need. Recognizing that by providing jobs you're allowing people . . . for them to be able to contribute to those or whether we're bringing kind of volunteers together to help out. There's so many ways that work, either through the intrinsic work itself, through the relationships and the dynamics of those relationships, can allow us to touch people—or ultimately to help give back to the community.