“How Do You Balance Work and Family?” - Tod Bolsinger

Video / Produced by The High Calling

We live in a culture that highly favors achievement. The more activities we manage to fit into our schedules, the fuller our lives are supposed to be. Sixty- or seventy-hour work weeks are signs of dedication, and all of our kids are constantly shuttled between sports teams and piano lessons. Multitasking is the norm, to the extent that we actually need ad campaigns telling people not to text and drive. Olympic swimmers, regardless of their past success, are considered failures after their first loss. 

This is the wisdom of the age; ours is supposed to come from somewhere else. As a leader, it's easy to pressure yourself to do as much as you possibly can. The next time you are considering taking on that "one more thing", ask yourself (and your family!) how it will affect the people you love. Sometimes the high calling of our daily work...is having the faith to say "No."  

Want to hear more? You can find this video, with transcript, and dozens more over at The High Calling YouTube Channel