“How Does God View the Bottom Line?” - Boyd Clarke

Video / Produced by The High Calling

Dealing with the bottom line can get really messy. It's a polarizing term, one that has connotations, on the one hand, of practicality, and on the other, what we might be tempted to see as a kind of callous indifference to people in deference to profit. The fact of the matter is, though, that without a solid bottom line a business won't last long. 

Boyd is right to point out that we are stewards, of our employees', customers', and communities' interests. The bottom line is not an either/or situation; if our businesses and relationships are to flourish, we have to be good stewards of both. 

Want to hear more? You can find this and dozens more videos over at the High Calling YouTube Channel.


It's not my money. It's somebody else's money that I am called to manage in their interest. In our modern work environment, we call that being a fiduciary. I have to understand that the money I am managing is not mine; it's the shareholders. Look at the parable of the talents, and you have money being given to three servants . . . and the third servant says, "I just took it out and buried it, because I knew you were a hard man." And the master says, "Why didn't you just give it to people who could at least give you interest for it?" What he was being upbraided for is he had not fulfilled his fiduciary obligation to the master. So that theological concept, to me, is rooted in Scriptural understanding that this is not our world. This is God's world, and we have to behave in a way that reflects us as a responsible steward of it.