“What Have You Learned From a Mentor?” - Jenny White

Video / Produced by The High Calling

"The vocation of caring." I love that. Jenny's experience highlights something that is incredibly significant about Christian mentorship, beyond just imparting professional skills. Her relationship with her mentor has contributed, not only to her career, but to her broader sense of what vocation means—the "why" of what she does. 

It can be tough to either be a mentor or to find one, but there is so much potential there, both to grow and to foster the kind of growth that leads to significant transformation. Feel free to share your own experiences in the comments. We'd love to know more about the challenges and successes that you have had as mentors/mentees!

Want to hear more? You can find this and dozens more videos over at the High Calling YouTube Channel

TRANSCRIPT: Learning from Andi Ashworth, who is a co-founder of Art House America and has been a mentor to me, has given me a vision for a vocation that I did not know existed in hospitality. The vocation of caring. That is such a huge thing that needs to be focused on. I think, "Yes," businesses need to be built and nonprofit organizations, but the vocation of caring. I mean, I don't really know what's more important than that, because that, to me, is the over arching umbrella of any business that's created in any organization. So, to think about how do we train the next generation of men and women to care well, to love well, to show justice . . .