Job Skills for Kids (Devotional)

Devotional / Produced by TOW Project

No matter what you want to do when you grow up, three basic attitudes help you land a job and keep it. This plan uses the Bible and a story about modern kids to teach the three qualities hiring managers want most.

You can find this devotional on the YouVersion Bible App (download the app here), or read the Job Skills for Kids devotional on


"Knowing me there’s just one thing I need to worry about. Showing up on time."

Once a boss can tell you're hardworking, he or she wants to know that you're dependable. Dependability means being reliable, trustworthy, doing what you said you would to do. Small actions demonstrate this—it doesn't need to be big stuff. Something as simple as showing up on time and bringing a pencil to take notes shows that you’re dependable. People who see you acting dependable in small ways will trust you with bigger responsibilities. Jesus promised this when he said, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much."

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