52 Workday Prayers: Psalm 27 - Working Without Fear

Prayer / Produced by partner of TOW

The LORD is my light and my salvation;
     whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life;
     of whom shall I be afraid?

Psalm 27:1


O Lord, you are the light that shines in the darkness, the light that cannot be extinguished, the light that makes all things clear. You are my light, the one who shows me the best way to live and work.

Since you are my light, why am I fearful about my work? Why do I worry about what people might think about me? Why do I fret over things I can’t control? Since you are my God, why am I afraid?

You are the Savior of the world, the one who redeems and restores, who renews heaven and earth. You are my Savior. You died so that I might live. You saved from sin and death through your death and resurrection. You save me again and again from things that might hurt me or even from the messes I make for myself. O Lord, since you are my faithful Savior, why am I afraid?

God, you are mighty and strong, a solid rock, a safe hiding place. You are the stronghold of my life, the one who protects me from harm. Since you are my fortress, why am I afraid?

Help me to know you so well, Lord, and to trust you so utterly, that fear has no place in my heart. Even when there is so much uncertainty in the world around me, may I have confidence in you and your mercy. Yes, even in this time of history, why ever would I be afraid? Amen

Ponder Throughout the Day

The Lord is your light and salvation. The Lord will protect you with his strength. You can live and work without fear.

For Further Reflection

Read all of Psalm 27, paying attention to what the Spirit of God is stirring up in your heart, especially in relationship to your work. Talk with God about what you are thinking and feeling.

You might also reflect on the following passage from Isaiah:

But you, Israel, my servant,
     Jacob, whom I have chosen,
     the offspring of Abraham, my friend;
you whom I took from the ends of the earth,
     and called from its farthest corners,
saying to you, “You are my servant,
     I have chosen you and not cast you off”;
do not fear, for I am with you,
     do not be afraid, for I am your God;
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
     I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. - Isaiah 41:8-10

This prayer is part of a collection: 52 Workday Prayers: Learn from the Psalms How to Pray through Your Work. To purchase this devotional and small group guide, visit the De Pree Center store