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Search results for: 1 john
Life From Within
Daily ReflectionThere is a big difference between a well and a spring. In a well, you have to go get the water and draw it out of...
The Art of Your Work
Daily ReflectionSeveral years ago I saw Wicked on Broadway. I knew I would like it as I’ve always enjoyed all things Oz. But sitting...
To Tend and Keep
Daily ReflectionMy friend sat across from me, twisting her hands in her lap. Our small group, made up of couples from our church, sat...
Everyday Christians
Daily ReflectionWhen you grow up as the child of a pastor, there’s a certain expectation you will either become wild and wicked,...
Praying and Working for the Welfare of Others
Daily ReflectionAt the tender age of seventeen, Joseph was clearly gifted and trustworthy. But he wasn’t a polished product. We know...
Have You Prayed for Any Kings Lately?
Daily Reflection1 Timothy 2:2 is one of the most regularly disobeyed verses in the Bible, and maybe that isn't too bad. Now, before you...
From the Beginning
Daily ReflectionThe first job in human history was that of groundskeeper. It was a role many would see today as dirty and inglorious....
Every Platform an Altar
Daily ReflectionReally now, who teaches you how to hold up the piles of taffeta and take the stairs for the Oscars? Who teaches you how...
Dislocations of Faith
Daily ReflectionThe Apostle Peter’s first letter was written to believers in what is now Asia Minor, or Turkey. We don’t precisely...
Focusing Through the Frenzy
Daily ReflectionI have a job many people might envy. No one day is ever like another. Every day is filled with crises, activities,...
Wholehearted Devotion
Daily ReflectionBent low over his plate in the restaurant, Arthur used the side of his knife to load his fork with rice. Then, with a...