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Search results for: 1 timothy
Tutorials From the New Testament
Seminary CurriculumThe letters of the New Testament offer many examples of modern workplace dilemmas. These letters can come alive if...
A Pastor’s Perspective on Work in the Bible
ArticleAlistair Mackenzie gives a biblical overview of what the Bible says about work.
Cultures Can Persist for Generations (2 Timothy 1:1–2:13; 3:10–17)
Bible CommentaryOne of the striking features of 2 Timothy is the theme of generational faithfulness. Toward the beginning of the letter...
Ahab and Jezebel Murder Naboth to Get His Property (1 Kings 21)
Bible CommentaryKing Ahab abuses his power further when he begins to covet the vineyard of his neighbor, Naboth. Ahab offers a fair...
Obadiah Saves a Hundred People by Working Within a Corrupt System (1 Kings 18)
Bible CommentaryAt least two episodes during this period deserve our attention. The first, Obadiah’s saving of a hundred prophets, may...
From Failed Monarchies to Exile (1 Kings 11 - 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 10-36)
Bible CommentarySolomon is only the third king of Israel, but already the kingdom has reached its high point. Over the next four hundred...
Assessing Solomon’s Golden Age (1 Kings)
Bible CommentarySamuel's prophecy about the dangers of a king is fulfilled in Solomon’s time. These will be the ways of the king who...
Solomon Centralizes the Rule of the Kingdom (1 Kings 9-11)
Bible CommentaryThe massive national effort needed to construct the Temple leaves Solomon the ruler of a powerful kingdom. During his...
Solomon Builds the Temple of the Lord (1 Kings 5-8)
Bible CommentarySolomon’s first major task it to build the Temple of the Lord. To achieve this architectural feat, Solomon employs...
David Prepares Solomon to Succeed Him as King (1 Kings 1; 1 Chronicles 22)
Bible CommentaryIn most cases, your work will continue after you have moved on.
Assessing David’s Reign (1 Kings)
Bible CommentaryHow are we to evaluate David and his reign? It is noteworthy that while Solomon gained more wealth, land, and renown...
David’s Patronage of the Musical Arts (1 Chronicles 25)
Bible Commentary1 Chronicles adds a detail not found in 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. David creates a corps of musicians “to make music at the...