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Search results for: 2 peter
Huldah: A Prophet and Teacher (2 Kings 22)
ArticleOne of the most important but sometimes under-valued professions is that of teacher. We may prosper or fail, depending...
Tutorials From the New Testament
Seminary CurriculumThe letters of the New Testament offer many examples of modern workplace dilemmas. These letters can come alive if...
Elisha’s Restoration of a City’s Irrigation System (2 Kings 2:19-22)
Bible CommentaryElisha’s first major act is to cleanse the polluted well of the city of Jericho. The chief concern in the passage is...
Cultures Can Persist for Generations (2 Timothy 1:1–2:13; 3:10–17)
Bible CommentaryOne of the striking features of 2 Timothy is the theme of generational faithfulness. Toward the beginning of the letter...
Arrogance and the End of the Kingdoms (2 Chronicles 26)
Bible CommentaryHow could king after king fall so easily into evil? The story of Uzziah may give us some insight. He ascends to the...
Financial Accountability in the Temple (2 Kings 12:1-12)
Bible CommentaryOne example of the degeneration of the kingdom ironically serves to bring to light a model of good financial practice....
Elisha’s Restoration of a Lumberjack’s Axe (2 Kings 6:1-7)
Bible CommentaryCutting wood along the bank of the Jordan River, one of Elisha’s fellow prophets loses an iron axe head into the...
Elisha’s Restoration of a Military Commander’s Health (2 Kings 5:1-14)
Bible CommentaryWhen Elisha cures the leprosy of Naaman, a commander in the army of Israel’s enemy, Syria, it has important...
Elisha’s Restoration of a Household’s Financial Solvency (2 Kings 4:1-7)
Bible CommentaryAfter one of the prophets in Elisha’s circle died, his family fell into debt. The fate of a destitute family in...
The Prophet Elisha’s Attention to Ordinary Work (2 Kings 2-6)
Bible CommentaryMany of Elisha's miracles restored people's capacity to work fruitfully.
From Failed Monarchies to Exile (1 Kings 11 - 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 10-36)
Bible CommentarySolomon is only the third king of Israel, but already the kingdom has reached its high point. Over the next four hundred...
David’s Dysfunctional Handling of Family Conflict Leads to Civil War (2 Samuel 13-19)
Bible CommentaryMost people feel uncomfortable in situations of conflict, so we tend to avoid facing conflict, whether at home or at...