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Search results for: intro to the prophets
New Technology Changes What It Means to Go
Daily Reflection“Go,” Jesus says, “and make disciples of all nations.” Surely they must have felt deep sadness in this moment.
Every Little Finish
Daily ReflectionWhen we think about finishing well, we swerve toward headline events. But what about the less dramatic finishings?
When I Bow to Flesh and Blood
Daily ReflectionGod calls us beyond the status quo. God calls us above mere comfort. God calls us past our hunger for significance, for...
What Promises Do You Make to Your Employees?
Daily ReflectionWhat promises can we make to those we hire? How do we back up our promises to them, and what steps do we have in place...
Tending the Poor
Daily ReflectionMaybe we feed each other, give cups of water, visit the sick and the prisoner because we are part of a community.
Cup of Water
Daily ReflectionThese days people say Jesus was talking only about feeding the literal poor, but I also think he was talking about...
Choosing the Greater of Two Evils
Daily ReflectionHerod faced an immediate conflict of interest. He couldn’t embarrass himself in front of his guests or violate his...
Has Your Family Held You Back?
Daily ReflectionFrom our point of view, the beginning of Matthew's Gospel seems oddly uninspiring. Why not begin with Old Testament...
Amazing Redemption
Daily ReflectionOne of the distinctive features of Matthew's list of Jesus' ancestors is the inclusion of four women, each of whom had...
Herod’s Disturbance
Daily ReflectionHow has God disturbed your life? How have you responded? Are you willing to be 100% committed to God today?
Weeping for Children
Daily ReflectionThe weeping of the mothers in Bethlehem provided a powerful illustration of the Old Testament image of Rachel weeping...
Jesus the Beloved Son
Daily ReflectionFor three decades or so, Jesus had lived a fairly ordinary life. We don't know much about him during that period of...