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Search results for: luke
Plotting the Resurrection
Daily ReflectionJohn the Baptist is like God’s dynamite in today’s passage. He’s preparing the way for the Lord by shocking people...
Waiting With Faith
Daily ReflectionA few years ago, a powerful hurricane put my city, my neighborhood, and my house in the dark for nights on end.
On Guard and Actively Preparing
Daily ReflectionWhen I was a kid growing up in cold Minnesota winters, I would build snow forts and have snowball fights with friends.
Present at the Table
Daily ReflectionPerhaps the disciples' hearts were burning at his teaching along the road, but they actually saw him for who he is when...
Messianic Meal
Daily ReflectionThe kingdom of God is about community, and we choose whether to enter or not.
How to Make a Difference in the World Right Now
Daily ReflectionSurrendering our lives to Jesus Christ means owning up to the deep, deep needs in our world. God is truly counting on us...
Wright Brothers
Daily ReflectionGod reveals himself in the slow and ordinarily commonplace avenues of reality.
The Servant of the Lord
Daily ReflectionWe can only begin to imagine the shock Mary must have felt when hearing the news that she would bear a child, even...
Saved for Servanthood
Daily Reflection“We have been rescued from our enemies so we can serve God without fear, in holiness and righteousness for...
Being Like Gabriel
Daily ReflectionWhen we read the accounts of the birth of Jesus, we often feel a connection with the primary characters. A young woman...
Being Like Mary
Daily ReflectionWe can only begin to imagine the shock Mary must have felt when hearing the news that she would bear a child, even...
The Gutsy Compassion of Jesus
Daily ReflectionWhen the Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” Luke 7:13 In the first ten...