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Search results for: matthew
Advent Reflection: Developing Patience
Daily ReflectionI was a pest as a little kid. As a two-year-old, I wanted someone to play with, and something to do, all the time. My...
Advent Reflection: The Ministry of John the Baptist
Daily ReflectionThese days, if we even use the word "repent" in common discourse, we emphasize feeling bad for something we have done....
Servant Leadership
Daily ReflectionWhen James and John tried to obtain positions of honor alongside Jesus in the kingdom of God, the other disciples became...
Generous Forgiveness
Daily ReflectionI've often wondered if forgiveness should be the crucial mark of the church. Yes, Jesus said people will know us by our...
Three Guidelines for Living Freely and Lightly
Daily ReflectionMy husband took me to Hawaii for my fiftieth birthday. On the morning I turned fifty, we boarded a plane and headed...
A Lack Of Abundance Is Not The Same As Scarcity
Daily ReflectionScarcity surrounds us. Many people around the world do not have enough. Enough food, water, shelter, love, peace,...
Light Sabers, Bank Accounts, Trust Funds
Daily ReflectionThe first thing I ever bought with my “own money” was a toy light saber. It wasn’t one of those expensive beauties...
Role Reversal
Daily ReflectionWhen our first child was born, my husband wondered how we would buy diapers. We lived in a small, rural community where...
Does Jesus Need You to Make Him Famous?
Daily ReflectionSome guy with a beard and a fading plaid shirt tells me that he’s all about building his life around making Jesus...
Why Did Jesus Tell Stories That People Couldn’t Understand?
Daily ReflectionWe tell stories, short histories of people living out their faith in daily life. Jesus told parables, a kind of story...
More Than “Being Good”
Daily ReflectionIt’s a humble sort of word, goodness. Perhaps that’s why we often overlook it or underestimate its creative power as...
Do You Have Too Much Noise in Your Life?
Daily ReflectionMost people would be anxious to get to the meat of Jesus’ teaching, but let’s not skip too quickly over this...