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Search results for: psalms
Grass on a Rooftop
Daily ReflectionEvery now and then as I read Scripture, a word or a phrase jumps out at me. Sometimes this happens because the Spirit of...
Crying to God Out of the Depths
Daily ReflectionThe first line of Psalm 130 is one of the most frequently quoted of the Psalms: “Out of the depths have I cried unto...
A Prayer for Church Leaders
Daily ReflectionPsalm 132 focuses on David and his concern for God’s “house” in Jerusalem, the temple that David’s son Solomon...
A Pleasure We Need Today
Daily ReflectionPsalm 133 envisions pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem to celebrate a religious festival. Though they have come from...
Living in the Circle of Blessing
Daily ReflectionThe life of faith might be described as living in the circle of blessing. It begins with God, who blesses us (134:3)....
Why Should We Praise the Lord?
Daily ReflectionHave you ever awakened on a Sunday morning and thought, “Why do I have to go to church today?”
Some Things Deserve to Be Repeated
Daily ReflectionMy grandmother had a collection of sayings that she repeated again and again and again. I heard her say, “Make...
The Verse in Scripture that Makes Us Most Uncomfortable
Daily ReflectionPsalm 137:9 is one of those verses in Scripture that shocks us. How can such a verse be in God's Word? How can any part...
God Will Work Out His Plans for My Life
Daily ReflectionWhen life goes in directions we didn't expect, and when those directions include suffering and frustration, we can...
Remembering God’s Justice
Daily ReflectionIf I were to stand up in front of a group of Christians today and say, “God will give justice to the poor,” I would...
All I Really Want in Life
Daily ReflectionI grew up in a family of four children. My brother, sisters, and I got along fairly well, though we had our moments of...
Why Should God Answer My Prayer?
Daily ReflectionIn Psalm 143, David cries out to the Lord for help.