Life Investor

Audio / Produced by The High Calling


Sylvia is married and has two young children. At a recent party, as people exchanged small talk, someone asked Sylvia what she did.

"What do I do?" I heard Sylvia say. "I'm a life investor." She smiled and explained, "I have two young children and a husband at home plus a community of lives that surrounds them. I invest in those lives full time."

I smile just thinking about her reply. Bravo, Sylvia! You've hit on a universal truth.

This is Howard Butt, Jr., of Laity Lodge. In one or two elegant strokes, Sylvia captured the importance of how she spends her days. She stated clearly what's true for all of us. No matter the job, we're all life investors—in each other—in the high calling of our daily work.

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

(Heb. 10:24)