The Power of Community

Blog / Produced by The High Calling
The Power of Community

I've been in the workplace for more than three decades, and many of my best memories revolve not around the work itself, but the people. Interactions with coworkers, customers and clients showed me my place in this world. Flawed, normal, everyday people demonstrated the economy of God and helped answer the biggest questions of life, Why am I here and what is my purpose?

Although I don’t live to work, the workplace is a prime opportunity to utilize God’s gifting, doing my best to glorify Him through excellence, while interacting with believers and nonbelievers alike.

The job is the great intersection of life, where people come from a variety of backgrounds and together, they pursue a common goal. While the work itself may sometimes be dreary and unexciting, we can still draw great life and inspiration from the people around us. We may not remember every project, but we will remember the actors, the villains, and the characters.

Share your story

Here at the High Calling, we value community and recognize the significance of telling those stories together. Like pulling chairs together in a circle, this virtual group of thousands of readers leans in to read, to listen, and to respond. Will you share your story with us? We are looking for stories drawn from the workplace and how they inspire and motivate you to pursue your high calling in your everyday work.

Every other week at the High Calling, we will host a link-up, inviting writers to share stories about the ways God is at work through your life. To receive a heads-up on upcoming themes, subscribe to receive an e-mail notification directly to your inbox. It's easy to subscribe. Just click on the button below.

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Or join our High Calling Writer’s Facebook Group where we will also announce the themes.

Next week, our theme is Rediscovering Community. Write to that theme on your personal blog or web site, and then use the Linky Tool below to add your blog post to the collection. We’ve linked up the first story as a sample for your reference.

There may be weeks the theme chosen doesn’t inspire you. On those occasions, feel free to write about any of these ongoing, broader themes:

  1. What are you passionate about in work? And why?
  2. How are you serving God in your work?
  3. How are serving others in your work?

Our team of editors will review all of your stories and select a few to be published on our homepage. Pull up a chair. We’re looking forward to hearing your story.

Photo by Diane Bailey. Design by Jennifer Dukes Lee.