Be Still!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Be Still!

“Be still, and know that I am God!  I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”

Psalm 46:10

“Be still and know that I am God!” There are few verses in the whole Bible that I need to remember more than this one. Unfortunately, I am wired for anything other than stillness in knowing that God is God. When I face challenges or setbacks, even in doing work that I fully believe to be God’s work, my first inclination is to get moving and solve problems. Moreover, my soul isn’t particularly suited for stillness in situations like these. I find worry so much more natural, as if by fretting about something I could make it better. That’s why I need to hear the call of God to stillness in the knowledge that he is God, and I am not.

The verb translated as “be still” (raphah in Hebrew) is a curious one. Literally, it means “to let something drop, to let go, or to abandon something.” In this verse, God is inviting us to let go of our busyness, to give up our empty striving, to abandon our worries. In place of our flurry of activity, both physical and emotional, we’re to rest in the knowledge that God is God, that he is in control, that he is sovereign over our lives, even as he is Lord of heaven and earth.

Do you need to hear this invitation as much as I do today? Maybe this is God’s word for you right now: “Let go, be still, and know that I am God!”

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When are you tempted to be rushed and worried rather than trusting God? What helps you to be still and know that God is God?

PRAYER: Thank you, gracious God, for this verse from Psalm 46. You know how much I need it. You know my ways, Lord, how easily I can rush about in anything but stillness, trying to solve the problems of my life. And if there’s nothing I can do actively, I’ll worry. I know this is silly, not to mention unfaithful. But I come by frantic activity so naturally. Ugh!

Help me, dear Lord, to let go of my need to control, of my worries, of my fears. Help me to drop my tendency to try and do it all myself, as if I were God. Instead, may I learn to be quiet enough to know that you are God, that you are gracious and good, that you are in charge. May I rest in your strength, and thus be still. Amen

Image courtesy of Laity Lodge, one of our sister programs in the Foundations for Laity Renewal.