Déjà Vu

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Déjà Vu

Abraham introduced his wife, Sarah, by saying, "She is my sister." So King Abimelech of Gerar sent for Sarah and had her brought to him at his palace.

Genesis 20:2

In Genesis 12, Abraham sojourned to Egypt to escape famine in Canaan. Because he was afraid that the Egyptians might kill him to steal his wife, he hid her true identity, claiming only that she was his sister (which was a half-truth). This almost led to the compromise of Sarah's virtue, until God intervened.

In the years following that dramatic action of God, Abraham repeatedly experienced God's presence. But when dwelling in Gerar, Abraham is once again overcome by fear, and once again he risks Sarah's honor.  And, once again, God intervenes to bail out Abraham and Sarah.

How easy it is for us, even when we've experienced God's grace, to fall back into our old ways. We too can be gripped by fear, forgetting that God will protect us.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Where is your life being governed by fear rather than faith? If you fully trusted God today, what might you do differently?

PRAYER:  Gracious Lord, when I read this story of Abraham, I can see myself. How often have I experienced your amazing grace, only to fall back into fear! Forgive me, Lord, for my lack of faith. Forgive me for preferring the familiar comfort of fear to the adventure of trusting you.

Help me, dear Lord, to remember your goodness to me and to live in the confidence of that memory. May I know, deep in my heart, that you are always with me, that you will always protect and guide me as I seek you. Amen.