A Discerning God

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
A Discerning God

"And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness."

Genesis 1:4

From the beginning, God saw with moral vision. He saw the light, and saw its goodness. God discerns the true nature of everything. He sees clearly the difference between right and wrong. He cannot be fooled by pretense or pretending. Even today, God "separates" the light from the darkness, the good from the evil. His moral judgment is always clear, always right, always to be trusted. He looks upon every part of life, not just the "religious" or the "spiritual."

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: What might God think about your work? Your key relationships? Your family life? What in your life might God see as truly good?

PRAYER: Gracious God, I praise you this day for your moral discernment. You see all things as they are. You judge all things according to your perfect justice. How grateful I am to be able to count on your wisdom and discernment. Help me, dear Lord, to see as you see. By your Spirit, may I see my life through your eyes, both the good and the evil. May I confess the evil to you and turn from it, so that I might invest more of myself in that which you know to be good. Amen.