Drinking Deeply from the Fountain of Salvation

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Drinking Deeply from the Fountain of Salvation

With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!

Isaiah 12:3

Do you drink deeply from the fountain of salvation? Or do you simply take a sip every now and then?

Sometimes we think that salvation has only to do with going to heaven after we die. To be sure, the fact that we will spend eternity with the Lord is a marvelous truth. But salvation has to do with more than just what happens after death. We begin to experience salvation in this life as our sins are forgiven and we have fellowship with the Lord. God saves us from our bondage to sin, from our addictions, from our insatiable need to prove ourselves. Salvation through Christ touches our relationships, our churches, our culture. Drinking deeply from the fountain of salvation means, not only that we are saved, but also that we become channels of salvation to others. In word and deed, we share with our neighbors the grace we have received. We become agents of divine healing in our schools, our businesses, our social networks, and our civil society. Though we know the fullness of salvation lies in the future, we nevertheless seek to enjoy its benefits now and to broadcast them throughout our world.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Do you drink deeply from the fountain of salvation? Or do you simply take a sip every now and then?

PRAYER: Gracious Lord, first of all, I thank you for saving me from sin and death. Your sacrifice on my behalf has given me eternal life, and I am deeply grateful.

Yet, too often, I merely take a sip of your salvation, rather than drinking deeply. I confess that my sins are forgiven in you, but then I live as if I have to make myself right for you. I enjoy the promise of heaven, but forget that your will is to be done on earth right now, even as it is in heaven. I receive your manifold gifts of salvation for myself, but neglect to share them with others. Forgive me, Lord, for failing to drink deeply from the fountain of salvation.

Help me to live each day in the rich blessings of your salvation. Stir in me, so that I might give them away generously to others, even as you have been so generous with me. May I be an instrument of your peace, grace, and love in this world. Amen.