Follow Me!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Follow Me!

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

Mark 1:17

Those of us who are familiar with the ministry of Jesus can take for granted the fact that he called his disciples. But Jesus’ initiative would have surprised people in his culture, and not just those whom he called to follow him. Religious teachers in the time of Jesus didn’t recruit their own students. Rather, they received those who sought them out and asked to become followers. Jesus, by contrast, chose the ones whom he wanted to be his disciples. 

When Jesus came upon Simon (whom we know better as Peter) and Andrew, his brother, he called to them, “Come, follow me.” Notice, he did not say to the brothers, “Come, believe in me,” although they wouldn’t have followed Jesus unless they believed that he was worthy of following. Jesus invited Simon and Andrew to take action, to do something in response to his invitation.

Though we tend to think that being a Christian involves our decision to put our faith in Jesus—and, indeed, it does—from another perspective, we belong to Jesus because he sought us out, much as he did with his first followers. Moreover, Jesus invites us to do far more than believe certain things about him. He summons us to follow him, to invest all that we are in the work of Jesus. Most of us won’t end up leaving our work and families in order to be Jesus’ disciples, however. Rather, we will follow him right where we are as we live under God’s kingdom and for his purposes.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How have you experienced the call of Jesus in your life? How have you responded? Is Jesus calling you to anything specific right now? What will you do?

PRAYER:  Gracious Lord and Master, what a privilege it is to be called to follow you. Thank you for extending to me this extraordinary invitation!

Help me, Lord, to respond to you, not just with right belief, but also with right action. May I live my life as one of your disciples. May I learn from you how to live each day under the authority of God and for his purposes.

Even though I may not physically go anywhere new today, may I follow you in all that I do. In your name and for your glory.  Amen.

Image courtesy of Laity Lodge Youth Camp, one of our sister programs in the Foundations for Laity Renewal.