Getting Help, Part 1

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Getting Help, Part 1

Moses’ arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset.

Exodus 17:12

As the Israelites made their way through the wilderness, they were attacked by the Amalekites. Moses commanded Joshua, who at that time was one of Moses’ lieutenants, to get together a small force in order to defend Israel. During the battle, when Moses held his staff up in the air, the Israelites would prevail. If he lowered his staff, their advantage would disappear. But, in time, Moses became weary. So two of his assistants, Aaron and Hur, found a stone that Moses could use as a stool. As he sat, they held up his hands so that he could continue to raise his staff. The result was a stunning victory for Israel.

I wonder why God worked through Moses in this unusual way. Surely the Almighty could have come up with other ways for Israel to be victorious over the Amalekites. It seems as if the Lord wanted to teach Moses a lesson. Even though he was unquestionably the leader of Israel, he needed to rely upon others. His strength was inadequate for the job. But, with trusted assistants holding up his hands, Moses was able to hold his staff high. God was teaching Moses to get the help he needed so that he might be the leader God had called him to be.

As I think about my service to the Lord, I am grateful for those who have “held up my hands” so that I might be the leader God has called me to be. I remember a time during my tenure at Irvine Presbyterian Church when I was deeply discouraged, even questioning whether I was the right person to pastor the church. One of our elders, a friend named Hugh, sensed my despair. He took me out for coffee and spent time listening to my concerns. Then he took time to draw my attention to all the ways God was using my leadership in the church. He helped me gain perspective I had lost. By the end of our time together, I felt encouraged, ready to continue to lead the church in spite of the challenges I faced. I will always be thankful for the way Hugh “held up my hands” that day over a cup of coffee.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Have there been times in your life when people have “held up your hands” to encourage and empower you? Are there people in your life whose hands you hold up? Are there people who need your help today?

PRAYER: Dear Lord, first I want to thank you for those who have “held up my hands” so that I might serve you effectively even when I was weak and discouraged. Thank you for the people in my life who hold up my hands even now. What a gift they are to me!

Teach me, Lord, to get the help I need as a leader. You know how I tend to rely too heavily on myself, rather than upon others. May I learn to receive the gifts you give me in people to support and encourage me.

And may I be such a person for others. Give me eyes to see where I can hold up the hands of my colleagues and partners. Help me especially to fulfill this role with my family, so that those closest to me might be all that you have designed them to be.

Finally, I thank you, dear Lord, for being one who holds up my hands. I am eternally grateful for your power and encouragement in my life. Amen.