Give Freely

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Give Freely

"Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!"

Matthew 10:8

As Jesus went about in Galilee preaching the good news of the kingdom, he amassed a large group of followers. From among these people he set apart a special group of twelve disciples. Their number represented  Israel with its twelve tribes. These special disciples were given Jesus' own supernatural authority so that they might proclaim and demonstrate the message of the kingdom. Jesus summed up their mission succinctly: "Give as freely as you have received!" (v. 8).

This summary continues to serve as an incisive guide to how we are to live as disciples of Jesus. Even as we have freely received the good news of Christ, so we are to give it away. As we have been forgiven, we are to forgive others. As we have been healed, we are to be instruments of God's healing. As we have been welcomed into relationship with the triune God, so we are to invite others into that relationship. We do all of this not because we have to, but because God has so freely given to us. We serve generously in response to God's immeasurable generosity.

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: Take some moments and consider what you have freely received from the Lord. How good are you at giving away to others that which you have received? Are there some areas, forgiveness, for example, in which you are stingy? How could you freely give God's grace in your workplace today? In your family? With your friends?

PRAYER: O Lord, when I consider how bountifully you have given good gifts to me, I have two strong reactions. On the one hand, I am filled with gratitude for your astounding generosity. You have given me, not only new life in Christ, but a life filled with love and opportunities. Thank you for blessing me so richly.

On the other hand, I am reminded of how poorly I give away what I have freely received. To be sure, there are times when I give freely. But there are so many other times when I'm caught in my own "stuff"—fear, self-pity, self-centeredness. In these times, I hoard your gifts. Forgive me, Lord.

Help me to be a free giver this very day: at work, at home, in the market, on the road, and wherever else I find myself. May I be an open channel of your love and grace today.  Amen.