Gog, Magog, and the Purposes of God

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Gog, Magog, and the Purposes of God

You will go up against my people Israel like a cloud covering the earth. But when this happens in future days, I will be the one who brings you up against my land, so that the nations may know me, Gog, when through you I show my holiness in their sight!

Ezekiel 38:16

When I hear the words "Gog" and "Magog," I'm immediately transported back in time to the early 1970s. I'm sitting in the basement of a church in Glendale, California, huddled with a few other shivering junior highers. We're sipping hot chocolate and avidly studying Hal Lindsey's bestselling book, The Late, Great Planet Earth. With Lindsey's help, we're seeing the present day written in the ancient words of Ezekiel 38-39. Gog and Magog represent Russia, which will soon invade Israel in its effort to dominate the Middle East. I am both excited and terrified by this vision of the future, and maybe a little bit skeptical. Even as junior high student, I'm not sure about Lindsey's interpretation of Scripture, though I can't really explain my hesitation.

Without a doubt, Ezekiel 38 and 39 are some of the most curious chapters in this book, if not in all of Scripture. Whereas almost all of Ezekiel's prophecies quite plainly speak to the issues of his own day, chapters 38 and 39 refer to events that will happen "after many days" and "in future years." Moreover, the nations addressed in most of Ezekiel are clearly identified, yet the referents of Gog and Magog are mysterious. Throughout the centuries, biblical interpreters have identified them with a variety of nations, including Rome, Nazi Germany, and Russia.

I'm not going to try and solve the puzzle of Gog and Magog today. Rather, I want to underscore the main points of this chapter. First, no matter what nation is represented by Gog and Magog, this nation acts according to the will of God. God is in control of the whole earth, both in the present and the future. Thus, God's people do not have to worry about what is to come.

Second, through Gog and Magog, God will "show his holiness" to all nations (38:16). Thus, chapter 38 concludes on this hopeful note: "So I will display my greatness, show my holiness, and make myself known in the sight of many nations. And they will know that I am the LORD" (38:23). God's ultimate purpose is to reveal himself, not only to the children of Israel, but also to all peoples.

Thus, as we read Ezekiel 38 and 39, we can be reassured that God is working in all things for good, both our good and the good of creation (see Romans 8:28). Furthermore, God wants all people to know that he is the Lord. He has made himself known to us in history, in Scripture, and most of all in Jesus Christ. Thus, we have the privilege of being in relationship with God and inviting others to know him.

QUESTIONS FOR FURTHER REFLECTION: What do the words "Gog and Magog" stir up in you, if anything? How might God's sovereignty over history impact your faith and life?

PRAYER: God of time and history, I don't know what Gog and Magog refer to. But I do know that you are Lord over all nations. Everything on earth happens under your supervision and to advance your purposes. Most of all, you are making yourself known to all peoples, so that they might know you as the Lord, as their Lord.

Help me, O God, to trust you with the things I cannot understand. May I have the confidence of knowing that you hold all of history in your strong hands. And may I live every moment of this day in light of knowing you. Let me sense your presence in my work, my conversations, my dreams, and my sleep. Amen.

A Special Offer from Mark: Laity Lodge has given me permission to extend a special offer to folks who receive the Daily Reflections. In a few recent reflections, I invited you to join me at a Laity Lodge retreat in which I will be teaching, along with Jackie Roese, a popular Bible expositor. The musician for this retreat will be Sara Groves, one of the finest singer-songwriters in our time. We'll be focusing on the theme of community and how we can develop deeper and more authentic relationships with each other. I can now offer you a 25% discount on this retreat, which begins on Thursday, June 28, and ends on Sunday, July 1. In order to receive this discount, visit the Laity Lodge online schedule and register for the "Get Found" retreat. When you enter your payment information, use the "Mark 25" promo code. You'll get 25% off the normal price for the retreat. (Note: If you already registered for this retreat at the full price and are a Daily Reflections reader, you can still get the discount by contacting the Laity Lodge registrar at [email protected].)