Hezekiah’s Praise

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Hezekiah’s Praise

“O Lord of Heaven’s Armies, God of Israel, you are enthroned between the mighty cherubim! You alone are God of all the kingdoms of the earth. You alone created the heavens and the earth.”

Isaiah 37:16

As King Sennacherib and his Assyrian army threatened to consume Jerusalem, King Hezekiah of Judah turned to the Lord in prayer. Though he would ask the Lord to rescue Judah (v. 20), he didn’t begin with this plea. Rather, he focused on the God’s unique and powerful nature, praising him as the only true God and creator of all things.

Why did Hezekiah begin his prayer with such praise? To be sure, it is always right to praise God. The fact that God deserves our praise always provides a strong rationale for honoring him in this way. But Hezekiah began his prayer with praise for another reason. It strengthened Hezekiah’s own confidence in the Lord. When faced with apparently invincible Assyrian power, Hezekiah needed to remember who was the true King of the universe, who, in fact created all things. In human terms, Sennacherib’s power was unmatched. But it was nothing compared to the all-surpassing power of God.

When we face apparently invincible problems, when the problems of our lives—at work, at home, in our relationships, in our own hearts—seem overwhelming, we are free in Christ to pour out our fears and needs to the Lord. Yet, sometimes we need to do more than ask for God’s help. By focusing on God’s nature and giving him praise, our hearts are encouraged. We remember that no problem is too great for God, and that he is with us to help and comfort us. 

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: When you feel overwhelmed by life’s problems and challenges, what do you do? Do you ever pray like Hezekiah? Have you experienced the encouragement of praising God when life is hard?

PRAYER: Mighty God, you are indeed enthroned between the mighty cherubim. The angels of heaven bow before you in joyful submission.

You alone are the God of all the kingdoms of the earth. Though many do not acknowledge you, nevertheless, you alone are King of kings and Lord of lords.

You alone created the heavens and the earth. In your creation we catch a glimpse of your power, your wisdom, your beauty. Your power exceeds anything we can imagine. Every power on earth, no matter how apparently great, shrinks in comparison to your might.

As I come before you in prayer today, I remember and celebrate your unique power and glory. May I live today remembering who you are, trusting you in all things. All praise be to you, O God. Hallelujah! Amen.