Send Me!

Daily Reflection / Produced by The High Calling
Send Me!

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah 6 begins with the prophet’s vision of a thrice-holy God. Isaiah’s first response is to lament his own sinfulness. Yet, through an angel, God removes Isaiah’s sin. Then the Lord poses a question: “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people?” Isaiah’s response is one of simple trust: “Here I am. Send me.” He will take God’s message of judgment and hope to the people of Israel.

In many ways, our story parallels that of Isaiah. We have seen our sinfulness and have been cleansed by the mercy of God given through Christ. But we were saved from our sin not only to be with the Lord when we die. Like Isaiah, we have been cleansed in order to be sent with God’s message to the people around us.

When God considers your neighbors, your colleagues, your family, your fellow students, your friends at the gym, your brothers and sisters at church, and the other people in your life, he asks: “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?”

QUESTIONS FOR REFLECTION: How do you respond to the Lord’s question? Are you able to say, truly, “Here I am. Send me”? What keeps you from offering yourself as God’s messenger? What helps you to be fully available to him?

PRAYER: Holy, holy, holy God, the more I experience your holiness, the less I feel worthy to serve you. Like Isaiah, I know that I am a sinful man of unclean lips. Yet, in your mercy, you have called me to yourself and set me apart for your work in this world. You have cleansed me through Christ so that I might serve you with all that I am.

So, my answer is like that of Isaiah, though sometimes it’s inconsistent and hesitant. Yes, Lord, send me! To my neighbors and friends, send me. To the folks at church, send me. To my colleagues at work, send me. To any who need to learn of your love and grace, send me. Amen.